The Free Cascadia Visionary
School of the World

Food Not Lawns is currently seeking seed money, donations of land, scholarship funds, tools, books and volunteers to support the "Free Cascadia Visionary School of the World" concept - an effort to grow an innovative network of ecologically diverse gardens and visionary gardeners.

Click here to view a copy of the flyer advertising the September 13, 2001 benefit for this cause, our first fundraising event for the school.

We hope for an all-ages learning network offering workshops, courses and internships on topics including: sustainable ag and gardening, life skills and intentional learning, voluntary simplicity and community organizing. The project will incorporate a wide variety of visual, musical and theatrical art.

Flyers from past workshops

The Free Cascadia Visionary School of the Cascades strives to offer stimulating, affordable and fun learning opportunities for individuals and groups of all ages in Eugene and around the Cascadia bioregion.

Our teachers and facilitators are organic gardeners, farmers, artists and musicians knowledgeable in a an array of disciplines and practices including: organic garening and farming; art, music, history, economics, community organizing, alternative technologies, popular education and environmental studies.

Not enough nut trees

Our contributors and volunteers support the development of cutting edge approaches to land stewardship, education, community networking and co-operation.

To contact the Free Cascadia Visionary School of the Cascades, email us at:

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